My Daily Script with new TROML Journal No. 142

1This is My Daily TROML Script and I read it out loud as I Pray & Meditate for 30 minutes every Morning Upon Awakening and every Evening Before Sleeping.

I find a quiet, safe, comfortable place, begin with noticing my breath & heartbeat, I am present in the moment… open God Box & Gratitude List.  Have first glass of water in the morning…

I AM abundant LOVE, inspired by God, powered by God to do His Will with the life of Anonymous Andy. I AM peaceful, joyous & free transitioning to a Spiritual Life while here on Earth. I AM grateful for the gift of life and live to give love in any way possible for “the rest of my life.” TROML Baby AM I.

2My eyes open Upon Awakening as my “Splendid Spiritual Self (SSS)—my True Self/Trusting Ego, God Within Me & my Eternal Child Within.” This is a place of peace, joy & freedom with one-way boundaries to my Mind, Emotions and Body. I transition freely from my SSS to my working mind; accepting emotions, feeling them and taking care of myself emotionally; with good nutrition/exercise feeling pain & pleasure in my body.

I am a compulsive overeater and a sugar addict. I seek recovery through TROML, living & working the Twelve Steps and being 3-0-1 No Sugar Abstinent (3 meals a day, 0 (no) eating in between, 1 day at a time) for this day only.

As an Adult Child of an Alcoholic (ACOA) I read the 14 Characteristics of an Integrated Person.

2My “Splendid Spiritual Self (SSS)” is built on a foundation of these spiritual awakenings:

S1:   No contempt (judgement or expectations) prior to investigation.

S2:   Outside irritants indicate something not spiritually sound within me.

S3:   I know, trust, & rely upon the truth that God IS more powerful than my Silly Ego & self-will.

S4:   I accept people, places, things & situations without judgment for the rest of this day.

S5:   I will not automatically apply one part to the whole or vice versa.

S6:   Am I justifying, rationalizing, or denying the truth about myself, others or my life situation.

S7:   To be completely spiritually oriented is to have & live as my “Splendid Spiritual Self.”

S8:   Only my True Self/Trusting Ego, God, & my Eternal Child will reside within me.

3?4 Trusting Ego vs. Silly Ego 4? Silly ego if Perfectionism, Control, All-or-Nothing Thinking or Judgmentism is present or requested.

?4 Ask God 4?   When I am anxious, doubtful, indecisive, unsure or slipping on my abstinence I will ask God to 1) free me of myself, my ego; 2) direct my thinking; 3) inspire my decisions; & 4) show me the next step to take. BE as accepting, loving & compassionate first to myself, then to others, as God is to me.


Step 3 Prayer:   God, I offer myself to Thee, to build with me and do with me as Thou wilt. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Love, Thy Power & Thy Way of Life. May I do Your Will always.

Do not abandon myself or my relationship with God.

Step 7 Prayer:   My Creator, I am now willing that You should have all of me—good and bad. Take away every single defect of character that stands in the way of my usefulness to You  saw my fellows. Grant me strength to go out from here to do Thy bidding. May I do Thy Will always.

4Do NOT isolate- trust, feel & share.

I am aware of and accept feelings and emotions. I feel X, when Y, because Z… I feel them completely before trying to resolve them. With God’s Love, Direction & Power I move through them, making personal choices, and by taking necessary and reasonable actions including thoughts, words, and behaviors.

Emotions & feelings are not facts. I choose to be, as God wills, abstinent in terms of emotional responses, abstaining from turning to food to self-medicate, anesthetize & escape from feelings & emotions.

Establish reasonable personal boundaries—abstinence, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.

I AM exactly where I need to be at this moment in my life.

5I make personal choices as do others, for which I and they are individually responsible for and accepting of any consequences.

I choose to be 3-0-1 No Sugar Abstinent (3 meals a day, 0 (no) eating in between, 1 day at a time) today ODAT. I am not perfect and do not have to be. When I have slips. I recover.

Be clear, present and abstinent in life.

Be free of any resentments, fear, dishonesty and my Silly Ego.


Love & nurture myself first, then love & nurture all other human beings.

Read the Daily Affirmation from ACA’S Strengthening My Recovery.

Be Anonymous Andy, my Splendid Spiritual Self in life!

Having a TROML Day today!

Your Personal Revivalist,

Anonymous Andy

_Hand w PR Business Card

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