I had one of those spiritual experiences today where one knows as it is unfolding that they are being led to a certain place at a certain time to hear a certain message! I re-connected with my cousin Michael Vlasak after many years and joined him in worship at New Life Ministries with his friend Tony… what a dynamic celebration… lots of spiritual energy…

With Cousin Mike & my new friend Tony!
Pastor Joe Wickman’s sermon came from the Book of Nehemiah including parts of Chapters 2 thru 6… where Nehemiah gets permission from the King of Babylon to rebuild the Wall around Jerusalem. He faces opposition from the enemies of the Jewish people yet perseveres to rebuild the wall… you will get the message in terms of our lives, faith and work by flipping through the pics…
Onward with the 10-point TROML 2020 plan! TROML Baby (an exclamation of JOY)! Hallelujah! Thanks cousin Mike, Pastor Joe, the music ministry and all the wonderful folks I met at New Life Ministries this morning! (Andy Reistetter; 6/23/19; Facebook Post with 30 Pics)
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