Day 22: Following Jesus past Mount Precipice to His Transfiguration on Mount Tabor!

The Penthouse ion Top of the Palace!
I woke up in the ‘Penthouse on Top of the Palace’ in Cana outside Nazareth after a splendid night’s rest! This day was another day of exploration simply going where Jesus went and finding Biblical Moments to contemplate and absorb into my being. This was my third visit to this area; the first was a drive through orientation on my way to Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee and the second centered around the Virgin Mary as this was her hometown and where she learned of God’s plans for her life!

No Joshua found in Mash’had but did find this beautiful Islamic Cemetery!
First though after talking with my Muslim hosts last night I learned that I was very close to Mash’had which is said to be the site of the Prophet Jonah’s birthplace and grave (2 Kings 14:25). Mash’had was called Gath-hepher in Biblical Times, a village in the tribe of Zebulun (Joshua 19:10-16).
Today Mash’had is an Arab town located 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) northeast of Nazareth in Israel’s North District. The name Mash’had in Arabic means ‘the grave of a holy man.’

McDonald’s and a Parking Ticket on the Horizon!
I drove around and around, up and down, and even asked some folks but nobody had a clue who Joshua was or where his tomb was located. I did see several Muslim Mosques and even a cemetery.
Oh well, onward to my next stop whatever it will be. Now I am in some sort of planned community and see I McDonald’s! So I stop for an iced coffee, come out and have a parking ticket on my windshield! Literally parked about 50 feet in front of the McDonald’s which had to be free parking right? Not right.
Now I am beginning to think what will happen next as I could not find Joshua and now have a parking ticket!

Mount Precipice is a Holy Place!
I see a sign for Mount Precipice which is where I think I was going and take a right as indicated. This is where the good folks of Nazareth chased Jesus too after he revealed to them, via reading Isaiah 61:1-3, that he was the Messiah. In the Bible it says Jesus somehow tricked and eluded the crowd but a sign here says that this is where he jumped! Precipice means Cliff to me and this one is very, very high!
Nice view rom Mount Precipice and in the view I see my next stop, Mount Tabor, the sight of the Transfiguration of Jesus! Seeing it 15-20 miles off in the distance and getting there are two different things! I have a good sense of direction and it is even better with GPS and Israel has great GPS coverage!

Church of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor!
Although going through town and finding the entrance wasn’t that easy!
Soon I was back on top of the world at the Church of The Transfiguration on Mount Tabor outside Nazareth—where Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother for an awe-inspiring experience with Moses and Elijah!
A bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!”
God The Father; Our Lord and Savior Jesus and The Holy Spirit were certainly present in this place!

Sunset coming down off Mount Tabor!
On the way out there was a small gift shop where I saw a book that was not for sale no matter how hard I tried to buy it. I found it on line when I returned home. It is a treasure—“Sight from Above” by Asaf Solomon (Photographer) and Avi Hartmann (Writer)–whenever I open it the pictures and words take me back to Israel and Palestine!
The sunset coming down off Mount Tabor were more glorious than ever before! I found my way to my Muslim home in Cana arriving well after dark. My hosts and I had some more beautiful conversation. I was learning so much about the world, about Jesus and about myself. Life was good. I knew I was very blessed!
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