The beautiful Bahá’í Gardens in Haifa overlooking the port and the Mediterranean Sea!
Day 10: Farewell to Haifa, Touring the Bahá’í Gardens and Returning to Jerusalem!
Day 10 of Andy’s month-long ‘Spiritual Journey to Israel & Palestine!
So long and farewell to Haifa with a top-to-bottom; all downhill tour of the Bahá’í Gardens. WOW, how manicured and how beautiful! The Bahá’í Faith is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people. TROML Baby (an Exclamation of Joy & Gratitude)!

Sunset from the Mount of Olives overlooking The Old City in Jerusalem!
Then it was south along the Mediterranean Coast with a stop on the beach. A left at Tel-Aviv heading East to Jerusalem safely tucked away in the mountains of Judea. Just in time to witness another beautiful sunset from high above The Old City on the Mount of Olives!
(Andy Reistetter; Facebook Post with 26 Pics; 1-14-19)
Comment Highlights:
April Ann: Beautiful photos Andy. Can’t wait to hear about your trip.
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