- Realization from my Lenten Meditations: I am a Dismal Failure; I need God to Survive Here & Eternally!!!
- Celebrating 22,222 Days of Life; Maybe Life is as Simple as Knowing & Counting 0,1,2,3!!!
- TROML 2020: Live by Choices You Make; NOT the Poor Choices of Others…
- Celebrating the 7,000th Day of T—R—O—M—L—”The Rest of My Life!”
- TROML Journaling in GOD’s Country; Father, Son, & The Holy Spirit; Al-le-lu-ia!!!
- Climbing the 46 Adirondack Peaks to Spiritual Freedom: No. Zero (0); Baxter Mountain!
- Celebrating 18 Years of TROML and Splendid Spiritual Self!!!
- Wake Up Spiritually Tomorrow as Your Splendid Spiritual Self (SSS)!
- TROML Realization: Release That Which Does Not Serve GOD…
- I Woke Up and Walked in The Bible Today…
- Upon Awakening, what does One’s Splendid Spiritual Self Really Need To Do?
- TROML Extract: ‘YOGA IS’ from B.K.S. Iyengar’s ‘Light on Life’ Book
- Happy Holidays & Hoping We All Become a Little More Selfish!!!
- The Next Hour is the Absolute BEST Time of My Life!!!
- No Human Being Can Be “Inspired” To Do Evil.
- Gratitude Tuesday Template for Your TROML Journal…
- Just a Twist & Tilt on the Blind Shades Brings Sunshine Into My Life…
- Nothing in this World is Truly All-or-Nothing, Only our Thinking at Times…
- Waiting, Trusting & Praying are Action Verbs…
- Life Goes On… and I Go with It…
- SSS Inner Boundaries—P, P, & P!!!
- No Perfection, Just Perseverance gets You to Your Splendid Spiritual Self…
- Are you living a Digitized Life with No Real Relationships with Others, Self & God?
- My Daily Script with new TROML Journal No. 142
- Inspired to be Free; Living Life within a Splendid Spiritual Self…
- Desperate Times need New Thinking & Spirit in Order to Change Ourselves…
- A Sharpened Spiritual Surrender Takes me to the Next Level…
- I am Willing to be Willing…
- Stepping from the Bridge of Reason to the Shore of Faith…
- Before Death Parts You, Start a TROML Journal Today…
- You Can’t Keep Hating People…
- So inspired by Church this Morning…
- Today, Throughout the Day, I am Grateful for…
- Why do I ever Abandon Myself, especially in Difficult Times?
- I have yet to Solve the Mystery of My Self…
- Life may be Programmatic & Problematic, but TROML is NOT!
- So Grateful for My Lucky Life…
- This is What I Love about TROML, Transparent Journaling & Being Introspective!
- Let Go and Let God, then put it in your God Box and Live Freely!
- A New Spiritual Principle to Update My TROML Program…
- I am not Sorry, I am Revived, I live in Peace, Joy & Freedom. So can You!!!
- How do I Avoid that First Compulsive Bite?
- Have You Re-Parented & Re-God’d Yourself in Life Yet?
- Divorce is a Terrible Thing…
- We are All Human, and Beautiful After All
- Just for Today, I will be Me & continue to live in Peace, Joy & Freedom…
- A New Year of Transparency for Me…
- Today is the Day I Realized God is More Powerful than My Ego…
- I Can’t Make Myself Feel Any Different Than I Do…
- Sugar is a Self-Imposed Selfish Spiritual Sickness
- The Morning After, All I Need to Survive & Thrive is God, Me & You!
- Why Can’t I Accept that I Am Only Human After All?
- I can change myself to meet conditions whatever they are…
- Good Morning… it is the First Day of The Rest of My Life!
- Don’t React to Life, Rather Act on Life, the TROML Way!
- I am hungry…
- Do not Panic… Get TROML!
- Clogged Drains in Our Life that We Don’t Know About…
- From the TROML Journals…